This is fabulously good!

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Thanks! That is much appreciated. It's always fun to try something new on here, and I'm definitely hoping to soundtrack some more Fiction soon... 😎

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So sweet 🦢

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Thanks! That is much appreciated. I'm glad you enjoyed it... 🦢😎🦢

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Just two. I loved it.

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Thanks! That is much appreciated. I'm glad you enjoyed it... 😎

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I always love the twist, Chris!

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Thanks, Rod! That is much appreciated. More twists will be appearing here very soon... 😎

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That’s a really fun twist! And really enjoyable with the soundtrack!

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Thanks for reading, and listening! That is much appreciated, and I'm glad you enjoyed it. More Fiction will definitely be getting a soundtrack added very soon... 😎

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So creative!

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Well done!

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Thanks for reading, and listening! That is much appreciated... 😎

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This is so lovely Chris! You are very talented! Cheers to a great weekend! ox

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Thank you so much! That is really appreciated, and I'm glad you enjoyed it. Music has always been a huge passion of mine. Almost as much as writing stories! Haha! So to have the chance to blend those two very different creative outlets together on here, and see what it produces, is a lot of fun. I'm definitely hoping to do more things like this in the future. Great to see you back. Have a lovely weekend... 😎

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It’s the absolute BEST combination! I write through music, as I’ve mentioned before and to think you can create music for your writing is an extra blessing! How awesome! Keep going! Creativity is life!! and life is creativity! ox

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I completely agree! Creativity is life, and life is creativity. That's such a wonderful way of looking at it... 😎

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Just got to listen to the nice soundtrack. I knew it, there would be some twist at the end!

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I'm definitely fond of sneaking in an unexpected twist or two, if I can. It's not always possible, of course, but when it is, it's always a fun avenue to explore. Thanks for reading, and listening... 😎

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I like that piece of music, and ironically it sounds very similar to some of the idle little compositions I did many years ago on the guitar (recorded in my bedroom with a shitty little tape recorder with a built in mic - I had to then play along the underlying track and record that, then play along to that one if I wanted 3 tracks - more than that and it sounds awful). That bassline in particular with its up and down thing is very similar.

I guess this means what I'm saying is I really like it. I also like your little microfiction/fragment too btw, and it does go well with the music.

It is a great concept - little bits of instrumentals to go with little fragments of writing. Nice one!

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Thanks! That is much appreciated. I'm so glad you enjoyed the story and the music, and I loved the description of your battles with the tape recorder. It brought back so many memories of recording my own early demos in a very similar way. They were crazy days, for sure! Haha! Thankfully, though, things are a lot easier now. And there's so many more things you can do with a guitar these days, and sounds you can create, that just weren't possible back then... 😎

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Yeah - I’ve been meaning to try and get myself some of this newfangled recording software for the computer just to see if I can actually create something listenable! Mind you, there’s something lovely about lo-fi hisses and crackles and background sounds creeping in (in the same way that vinyl sounds better). I have one incidence on a tape that I did with a friend of mine (in his bedroom) when you can hear his dad coming into the room and saying ‘right, that’s enough now. I can’t hear the television!’. Classic.

I have an almost-finished song called lo-fi lovesong which is supposed to sort of celebrate that kind of thing. I sometimes think it’s a bit sad that it simply wouldn’t happen these days with current technology. Recording stuff on a crappy tape recorder in your friend’s garage is so very precious. Even if it does turn out atrocious!

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It's definitely worth exploring it all more, especially now they have the tools here to share music. I'd love to hear your songs. There's quite a few methods you can use to record everything, and lots of different software available, and it's such an enjoyable journey to go on. I completely agree, though, tape recorders were lovely, and they were a cherished part of my early musical endeavours, too. The occasional car horn in the background, or even a plane flying over, did add a certain charm, for sure! Haha! And that is so true about the hisses and pops. They really did give the recordings character, and always made things more special and unique... 😎

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New level! Gorgeous music! What a wonderful treat!

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Thanks! That's very kind of you, and I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I've always loved movie soundtracks, and the moods they create, so I thought it would be a fun experiment to try adding one to a story. And of course, in the process, it's enabled me to finally release some music on here! Yay! It's crazy to think it was nearly a year ago, in 'Office Hours', that I first mentioned the possibility of doing something like this. Hopefully, I'll be able to post the next one a lot sooner! Haha... 😎

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We’ve been waiting!

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It definitely took much longer than I'd planned to figure out the best way to do things. But thanks for your patience! More music is on the way very soon... 🎶🎸😎🎸🎶

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The music is lovely, it sounds like running water.

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Ahh, I'm so pleased you heard that in the music. The feeling of water flowing, and rippling, as two swans glide gracefully across the surface together, is exactly what I was going for. Thanks for reading, and listening, and thanks for the great comment... 😎

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