May 22Liked by Chris J. Franklin

I never saw it coming - that is a damn good ending! Way to go Chris!!!

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Thanks! It's always fun trying to figure out a way to flip things at the end and do something that's a little bit unexpected. I'm glad you enjoyed it... 😎

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WE never see it coming! Am so glad this was not real! Or was it? Because it felt damn real to me in the first para!

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That is always a slightly nail-biting aspect of stories like this, I must admit. Because obviously, when I'm reading it myself, I do know what's coming, so it's hard to gauge what the experience will be like for others. But I always hope these twists will work, and I'm really glad you all enjoyed this one. It is completely Fiction though, yes, and not real. It's just meant to have the feel of a genuine crime story in the beginning, so it adds to the surprise when they turn out to just be making a movie... 😎

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Nice work with the surprise ending!

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Thanks, Deborah! I'm glad you enjoyed it... 😎

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Nice and short, good story.

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Thanks for reading! That is much appreciated. I'm glad you enjoyed it... 😎

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Yikes! CLEVER! Didn't see that one coming! So you do your own stunts? (lol). I loved it! You might get me reading Fiction!

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Haha! Well, a lot of actors do seem to be doing their own stunts now. They must be trying to save money! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for reading, and thanks for the great Comment... 😎

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It was really good! and for sure! It’s a great community but lately, since I’ve been kicked off the carousel at the top of the Home feed, it’s definitely harder to get the work out there. Our work just gets lost in the home feed. I hope you can get into the carousel. But the “control” is real. Just keep writing and know that many of us are here to support you. ox

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Thank you! That is very kind of you. I really appreciate the support. It is hard to get work seen on here, as there are so many good writers all trying to reach a limited pool of readers. I've been making a little bit of progress, but a lot of my Notes do still get lost and go by without anyone seeing them. We definitely all need to help each other, where we can, as that can really make a huge difference... 😎

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Social media is so crazy and all we can do is ban together and not lose each other as the algorithms get worse, b/c they usually do. I’m going to write a down a list of friends here so I don’t lose touch. I like a notebook :)

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Social Media is definitely becoming very hard to use these days, which is such a shame, because it used to be such an amazing Marketing Tool for Indie Writers like us. I've pretty much stopped using Twitter/X completely, because they won't let you promote anything anymore and direct people off the site with Links and things. My last Tweet got two views... And they were both me, checking to see if it'd had any views! Haha... 😎

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Twitter is a nightmare! I think it was stuck in nightmare mode long before it was bought! I hope you have a good weekend and I will definitely find time to read more of your work and post it! I’m slow! There’s so much to keep up with and also I write - babysit (those are blessing days and take a lot out of me physically! ha ha!). oxox

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Now that, that is acting! Well done, Chris. Super fun.

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Thanks! I love creating fun stories. But if this one was super fun, that's even better! Haha. I'm glad you enjoyed it... 😎

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May 22Liked by Chris J. Franklin

Fun story Chris. You got me, I initially took it to be the real thing. Love the twist at the end haha

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Thanks! I do love twists. And if I can squeeze one in somewhere, I probably will! Haha. I'm glad you enjoyed it... 😎

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I was trying to predict the ending but never saw it coming. Ace.

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Thanks! It's always fun trying to add a little surprise at the end, if I can. I'm glad you enjoyed it... 😎

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